Hello and welcome to my Q3 newsletter.
As we move through the autumn quarter, I wanted to share some of my highlights with you on things that happened over the summer in case you missed them and to let you know what’s been happening behind the scenes for Penny Wood Talks. Enjoy…
Behind the Scenes

AIM HIGH! - launched!
High-performance 4-week virtual group coaching programme
I was so proud to finally share this online coaching programme with you all. It has taken a lot of work to put together over several months and launching it was my BIG goal for this year which I achieved - incredible! I got into BOLD action myself! You see, if you put your mind to it, it's amazing what you can achieve when you have focus, clarity and a real desire to deliver...
Interview - Published Article

Taking Bold Actions: A journey of empowering leadership
Humans of Fuzia is a global initiative bringing together over 5 million extraordinary women from 35 countries and I was delighted to be asked to contribute back in July. If you want to learn a little more about me through this article you can find out more here:
You can find the full article here
Free Webinars

Next one in Nov - "Define your Leadership Pathway to success for 2025!"
Every month I offer free online webinars to give you value and share my expertise with you all. My upcoming November webinar on Wednesday 20th November at 1pm UK time, 8am Eastern, is all about how to position yourself to be at the forefront of leadership for 2025 - because in the coming weeks business leaders will be planning for next year and looking for the next set of leaders to take on new projects - and that could be you! I'll help you get razor sharp clarity on what you want to achieve, your ultimate BIG goal for next year. You'll define the leadership skills and experience required for the opportunity that you want to go for, so that you can create a BOLD action plan to secure your place at the table and step into that success - but you have to do the work to be ready!
Look out for the event to register coming soon...
Lunch & Learns
These are some of the online talks I deliver virtually to organisations and this quarter I delivered several of them to all sorts of different organisations. Some of the topics include:
How does motivation unlock success? The theory behind what drives an individual’s behaviour at work, creating the right environment to generate high levels of motivation, leadership behaviours needed to motivate yourself and others
Maximising your Minutes - effective time management – strategies for being more effective at it. People think they do it but are they creating consistency around it?
Navigating difficult conversations at work - using a framework I created to help you successfully manage those difficult conversations so that you achieve a win-win outcome for everyone involved
How to be a confident, empowering speaker? – how to structure a speech/presentation, craft a powerful message and deliver with confidence?
How to recognize Imposter Syndrome? – what is it, how does it manifest, strategies for beating it - you can make a cifferent choice so that it doesn't define you!
Navigating personality styles at work - understanding the different ways in which you and others around you behave and communicate, so that you can build more effective working relationships, foster collaboration and create an environment where everyone can thrive and contribute their best self
If your organisation or team would like a Lunch and Learn session, get in touch with me and we can discuss your requirements.
In September I delivered a one-off, two-hour free Masterclass on how to create your personal leadership brand for career success. People really wanted to attend the session, so much so that I delivered it twice! Among other things, I shared my top 10 essential components of a leader's professional identity so that you can clearly define your leadership brand. We then created lots of BOLD actions and practical strategies to implement your personal leadership brand immediately after the session. People really loved the session because they got real clarity on what type of brand they want to communicate to the business world and then how to successfully implement it.
If you missed it and you would like find out more, please contact me directly.
LinkedIn Live Interviews
To add value and variety to your online experience, I invite different types of specialists for a conversation via a live broadcast using LinkedIn Live. This quarter here's an example of one of them below - you can listen to our conversation via the link below:

Guest Speaker - Personal Resilience Workshop - Women in Transport, Exeter

I was delighted to be invited to speak at the South West regional hub's launch event for Women in Transport, a national network supporting women in the construction industry in the transport sector. I delivered an informative, interactive and engaging workshop on how to develop personal resilience at work, sharing a framework to help support you through times of challenge. We all experience ups and downs through our lives and through the "3 C's", being able to confront, cope with and come back from challenges, is a really valueable skill to develop. It was a very thought provoking session and people left with lots of ideas and BOLD actions to implement immediately.
Volunteer Mentoring

Empowering Girls Mentoring Scheme
Celebrating success is really important and it was great to get together with all the mentors and mentees that had participated in this year's mentoring scheme. Seeing how much more confident the girls had become through the process was such a joy to see. I'm so glad I'm part of this brilliant initiative supporting Year 9 girls as they navigate their way through their career choices and futures. Absolutely loved the experience and look forward to continuing the mentoring journey with this amazing group of people.
Nomination - voting opens in November
Women in Business - Virtual Speaker of the Year Award

Very proud to have been nominated for this award earlier in the year. Voting starts in November with the winners being announced in December, so look out for future social media posts for further information on how to vote - I would really appreciate your vote if you are enjoying my online webinars, masterclasses, events and knowledge shares through my different "series" that I do online.
And finally...
Very happy with my third quarter for this year serving all of you, delivering lots of value, sharing knowledge, supporting you all to take lots of BOLD action, seeing so many of my clients achieving amazing results. It's what I'm passionate about and my goal is for everyone to succeed.
Don’t forget to sign up to subscribe to all my leadership insights here so that you keep in touch with all things Penny Wood Talks. Also I'd love for you to connect with me on LinkedIn @pennywood as that's where you'll find me. I look forward to taking BOLD action myself and serving you all for the rest of the year and beyond.
If you'd like a conversation about how coaching could support your leadership development so that you achieve the results you really want, let's chat .
I hope you enjoy the final weeks of the year and you achieve your goals and dreams - remember, there's still time to take BOLD action!
I’ll see you all very soon. Exciting times...
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Penny Wood, FloL, CMgr MCMI, DTM
Business Leadership Success Coach - helping business leaders take BOLD actions that deliver next level success!
Email: penny@pennywoodtalks.com
Mob: +44 (0)7910 481372
Let’s chat: https://calendly.com/pennywoodtalks/30min